As higher institutions get ready to resume due to the lockdown since 2020, your first day of school in 2021 will be super exciting yet terrifying. It feels as though, you’ve lost your style and you are nervous about how you’ll dress when you resume.
Even though it feels like a little thing, wearing a bad a** outfit will boost your confidence and you won’t shy about seeing your friends.
Some think that since you’re in higher institution and no one is telling you what to do — what to wear and what not to wear, you should use this opportunity to dress shabby and not care at all. While it’s true that no one is there to tell you what to do, you still need to dress well. It’s not just about ‘showing up,’ it’s also about ‘showing up in style.’
Here are 10 Back-to-School styling tips to help you transition yourself into school fashion mode.
First 5 Tips :
- Don’t wear heels to class : While you might look stunning at first, later during the day you’ll get fed up and uncomfortable.
- Wearing a legging does not count as a stylish outfit no matter how beautiful your top is.
- Jeans are always a better option.
- You can always opt-in for a jacket.
- Wearing bum shorts is not a good idea. (Depending on culture and environment)
In this part of the world, fashion is not taken seriously so you want to be careful not to dress in a way they’ll term it as ‘anyhow.’ You don’t want yourself to be embarrassed when your lecturer call your name from afar and tell you ‘you are not well dressed.’
Another 5 Tips :
- Make sure your clothes fits you : One perfect way you can make an outfit look stunning on you is by getting yourself a good tailor. Make sure you are comfortable with your dress and they fit you perfectly.
- Balance your proportions : Over-sized outfit is a trend going on for some while now. You need to balance your proportions by wearing clothes that are fitted to your body shape. You might pair your over-sized jeans or wide-leg jeans or a boyfriend jeans with a tight crop top.
- Jackets : Jackets play an important role in styling. You can easily put them on when you feel cold and easily take them off when you feel hot. Like the example in no 2, you can wear a jacket over your crop top to spice up your look.
- Know your style : No one can do you like you do. So learn to experiment on yourself by wearing different clothes with different colors to see which look best on you. This comes in handy when you have no idea on what to wear for the day.
- Monochrome Styling : Monochrome comes from two different words, ‘Mono‘ which means 1 and ‘Chrome’ which means color. You can successfully achieve a monochrome style by wearing different shades of the same color. For example, wearing a deep blue jean then a sky blue top and maybe a navy blue cap or hat.

Here are some styles to get you inspired






