Hair length retention has been a favourite for ladies and many will adhere to any rule just to keep their hair length in good condition. This is mostly caused by hair loss and hair loss has become of serious concern to ladies and guys alike and there are various reasons why people suffer from hair loss. these reasons vary from biological factors to physical factors and even to nutritional habits.
In this video, Ashley Massie will be opening up about her journey towards reaching longer, healthier hair over the years. she talked about personal hair care routines and highlighted the importance and roles of washing, conditioning, and using products like Rosemary water and Styling foams in the general hair health of a person.
Ashley went on to talk more about the dire importance of not doing haircare Solo but with tools like scalp massagers and hair dryers by including them in your hair care routine plan. Ashley went ahead to talk about the place of patience and the minimal practice of hair manipulation, while also stressing the need to employ suitable techniques and products for hair growth support.
Join Ashley on her hair care routine steps as she strives to remain committed to her #RoadToWaistLength hair goals for the year, which aim to have healthier, longer hair and share the secret to this with the world.
Click Below To Watch Ashley’s Hair Care Routine