In a new Episode of Mercy’s Menu, host Mercy Johnson Okojie brings to her kitchen, Joseph Onaolapo a.k.a “Jay On Air” a content creator, as they discuss various issues that roused up laughter and produce a finger-licking dish of Turmeric rice and Meat sauce
In this video being the 8th episode, the host Mercy, and her guest Jay On Air, had so many interesting topics and insights to talk about while they made the meal together as the conversation went from talking about their personal lives, experiences, aspirations, and careers.
Jay specifically talked about his early years in content creation and the host also shared mutual culinary tips and made known, conversational themes like self-discovery, plans and goals, family, and growth.
This episode of Mercy’s menu which airs on MercyJohnsoncooksTv is sure very interesting as it will keep your attention clipped and your knowledge renewed as they share knowledge and experiences most casually and engagingly.