Jo-Issa Rae Diop, known as Issa Rae, is an American actress, writer, and producer. The 35 year old actress was seen on TeenVogue April Issue.
In this issue, Issa Rae explains why she pressed pause before the upcoming season of Insecure. She also spoke to Gerrick Kennedy about why she never saw herself as an actress and how she’s growing with intentionality.
“I’m pulling from life experience, and if you’re not living, then what are you really making?” – She Said
Issa Rae is definitely “Leveling Up”.
The cover was done prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
See photos below
Photography @yutsai88
Dress @jasonrembert
Makeup @joannasimkin
Hair @lovingyourhair
Nails @thuybnguyen