The latest single by renowned Nigerian singer Paul Play Dairo, “Love in Tokyo,” featuring the well-known rapper Olamide, marks his victorious comeback to the...
Nigerian music superstar Olamide has just announced his forthcoming project titled “Ikigai,” set to feature collaborations with star singers Fireboy DML, Asake, Pheelz and...
In anticipation of the music industry’s most prestigious event, the Grammy Awards, American record label Empire threw a vibrant pre-party in Los Angeles, USA,...
Former president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, has released his top songs for 2023. As always, his playlist covers different genres...
Nigerian musicians and the Afrobeats genre are reaching new heights globally, as evidenced by their strong presence in the recently unveiled Grammy Awards nominations...
Itel Reveals Popular Nigerian music star Olamide, as its brand ambassador. As competition between phone brands keep rising, itel just brought out it win...