Temi Otedola went down the memory lane of her journey through the creative industry on an instagram post she made. She recounted the launch of jtofashion.com which happened ten years ago and how she juggled it through with the demands of her academics.
Her journey so far has been highly inspiring, which shows that with hardwork and resilience, you can achieve whatever you set your heart to do. And even more inspiring is her ability to wear many hats and be so good at them from acting, to content creation, to creative direction, amongst a host of others.
She also emphasized on the fact that it wasn’t a smooth glide but from her ability to persist and keep doing the work, she has carved a niche and made a name for herself today.
Temi Otedola is that woman who has broken glass ceilings and has gained recognition which cuts across a host of globes with one of her biggest highlights being the first African brand ambassador for L’Oreal Paris.
View her post on instagram for more insight…….