In an exciting turn of events, Netflix has officially renewed the hit British sci-fi series “Supacell” for a second season. The announcement was made...
Social media sensation and burgeoning entertainment mogul, Enioluwa Adeoluwa has already set the stage for his upcoming movie. Leaping into the Nigerian entertainment scene,...
The highly-anticipated GENIUS: MLK/X set to premiere on February 1, 2023, had recently just had its behind-the-scenes, first-look trailer released for public opinion and...
The Black Book is one Nollywood project that has every well-meaning Nigerian smiling as the news of it getting international recognition is spreading like...
Get ready for a planned thrilling cinematic experience as EbonyLife Cinemas brings you a double deal on your screen entertainment bill starting from October...
Get ready Glamstyla’s because Netflix is fueling up and an action-packed revival of the beloved Spy Kids franchise is back as director Robert Rodriguez...
Filmmaker Niyi Akinmolayan has shared on his Instagram page, the much-awaited release date for “Mikolo”, the thrilling film from the Anthill studios holds a...