Either you’re surfing through Instagram or eyeing your stylish friend’s awesome outfit, it’s most likely you get bored of your own wardrobe / closet and you also want that awesome stylish look. But not every one has the time or money to change his/her wardrobe.
Style is all about finding what suites you better, being too glam to give a damn. Regardless of what people think or say, you you know what is best for you.
Well, we’ve compiled awesome tweaks for you to look dashing.
- Understand your body
- Know what fits you
- Know the color you want
- Look for inspiration
- Shop smartly
Understand Your Body
By understanding your body, you know what type of body shape you have. when you have full details on this you will actually know the type of cloth to buy.
Here are body shapes to know of and which category you fall in
- Apple
- Pear
- Rectangle
- Hourglass
- Triangle
- Rounded
- Column
Know What Fits You
Sometimes we see most our friends rocking beautiful outfits which we sometimes can fall in love with but most times they can be having a different body shape from us. So its best to know what type of style fits you.
Know The Color You Want
Everyone has a favorite color ; Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Pink, Purple etc. Know that color that will make you look attractive and if you feel you might be coming up with color riots, you can make your accessories your color step. From your Earrings to Bracelets to your bag and shoes.
Look For Inspiration
We can get inspiration anywhere, from our favorite TV stars to our favorite music star , we can check out their outfits, how they combine colors in their daily wears. You can get inspiration from your friends.
Shop Smartly
Check your wardrobe for clothes you don’t wear often, how much you wear them. Then whenever you go shopping, you will know what to buy. Try on the cloth you admire , it’s short ? it’s to tight? But you buy it anyway because its cheap. No! don’t do that , you’ll actually end up not wearing it because they won’t look good on you.
So buy whatever fits you and rock it like a Glamstyla
Finally, stay confident . No matter what they say You are too glam to give a damn.
Image Credits – Getty image