igerian musician and beauty entrepreneur, Livy Land, announces the launch of “Captive Mag“, a groundbreaking publication dedicated to the world of natural and faux...
In the world of men’s fashion, BraveLeo Couture shines as a symbol of elegance. Their latest release, the “Okpolokpo Collection,” named after the Isoko...
Accessories play a major role in fashion as they allow an individual to create a unique personal style/statement, express moods or personality, and add...
Great beach vacation experiences are often a result of proper planning and execution. Many individuals who enjoyed their beach trip to the fullest testified...
In the ever-evolving landscape of the global fashion industry, designers are continuously seeking inspiration from diverse cultures and traditions. In this pursuit of sartorial...
Celebrates body diversity Understanding body diversity means accepting the transformations we go through in each phase of a woman’s life. We support this journey...