In a thrilling creative collaboration, renowned designer Stella McCartney and emerging Chinese talent Shie Lyu join forces to breathe new life into familiar styles. The latest installment of their innovative fashion swap project showcases the designers’ unique perspectives as they reinterpret each other’s work. The result is a captivating fusion of McCartney’s signature aesthetic and Lyu’s fresh approach, bringing together two distinct design sensibilities. This exciting exchange of ideas promises to inspire fashion enthusiasts worldwide, offering a glimpse into the future of boundary-pushing collaborations. Stay tuned to witness the magic unfold on Vogue !
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Tayo Oyindamola has gave us the perfect holiday inspiration with her birthday portraits which she posted on her instagram. The pictures had this calm...
The holiday season is fully upon us, which comes with a swarm of activities such as family gatherings and of course, holiday outfits. One...